Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dental Help please...?

for years (in the past) i didnt have dental coverage and i neglected my teeth alot(i was very depressed). For the past few months....i started to care about myself again..anyway!

btw. i went to a dentst visit a few years ago...i didnt have any cavites

ive been using Crest Pro health tooth paste and Listerene(sp.?) mouth wash

i have tarter buildup so some if it in the back part near the gums in the front few teeth..the tarter is falling off and taking some tooth with it...the gums dont seem to be growing back over it yet..will they? currently my teeth are hurting more then gums are receeding more... how bad will the appointment(s) whats guna happen? how much pain etc.?

i will be going for a dental appointment soon...even though the dentist freaks me out...i really hate anything other then food, drinks, toothbrush in my doctors talking down to me.. :(

Dental Help please...?
During your first visit with the dentist, they will look at your teeth and write down any information (fillings, cavities, etc.) and take x-rays. Then he will discuss what work needs to be completed. Some offices do cleanings on the first visit, others schedule it for another day.

It's great to hear that you want to begin taking care of your teeth again! If you have a lot of tartar buildup, it could take 3 -4 appointments to clean all of your teeth. Throughout this process the dentist and hygienist will give you oral hygiene instructions. Please don't view it as talking down to you, it's part of our jobs to educate patients! Be sure to ask any questions.

For pain you can get laughing gas or a shot to numb the area. There is also a new medicine the hygienist can give you called Oraqix - sometimes this alone is effective enough to numb the area without getting a shot.

Until your appointment, for sensitivity try a toothpaste such as Sensodyne or Crest Sensitivity. If your gums are recessed then it may help with the pain. And, be sure to start flossing! If you don't like wrapping floss around your fingers, you can try a flosser (sold in bags at the pharmacy). They're really easy to use!

Your dentist will evaluate if you have any cavities, your oral condition, and what is going on with your gums. I hope that your appointment goes well! Good luck!
Reply:tell the dentist it is your first visit and you are scared =he/she will give you a bit of gas to relax you
Reply:That sucks. I went to the dentist after only 8 months- and I had 12- YES 12 cavities! I had a baby and they say that can happen but I still felt pretty gross. Going in for the cleaning is the worst part because of the scraping, but it does not really hurt. At least then once they look at your teeth and tell you what is going on, you will know what you are dealing with. They will not do any work other than cleaning on your first visit so you can just relax. On that visit, they will do X Rays, and an exam and THEN tell you about the work you need done and you can set up appointments to get it all taken care of. I had to do mine in 3 different appointments because it was A LOT of work (I still have some to go!!). For sure they will tell you that you need to be flossing. It is great that you are going because I know how easy it is to put off! Just go, bring headphones if you have them, close your eyes and let them do their thing. Once you have to go in for the actual appointments to fix your teeth- I strongly recommend gas. You didn't say if you have insurance now, but usually, they do not cover the gas. For me it is about $50 extra- and WELL worth every penny!! it helps you relax and not be so freaked out about being at the dentist!! Best of luck to you and having your teeth taken care of will feel great! Congrats on caring about yourself. You are worth it!!
Reply:WOW- I would stop using the Pro Health until your seen by your dentist. I am not sure how bad the appointment will be but, since this has occurred after using those things I would share that with the doctor. Are you on a dental plan to help with costs? It seems you may have alot of out of pocket expense with tooth damage and gum damage.
Reply:it is sad that you have periodontal disease. i had experienced having tooth loss but luckily i was able stop and prevent gum disease by using the leading product found called Oramd in try to check it out. it actually fights bad bacteria in the mouth as well as keeps the mouth clean and well salivated. try it and you will experience the miracle that helped me solved my periodontal problems. it is worth the try believe me it really works for a wise buy.

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