Saturday, November 14, 2009

My fiance has dental hygiene issues and I need help?

We have been together for two and a half years. We have not set our wedding date because of this and another health issue he has. He rarely brushes his teeth or flosses. His gums are red and he has bad breath all the time. Almost every day I tell him to brush, floss, and use mouthwash. I think he has periodontal disease. He won't find out what his dental insurance coverage is through his work though I have asked him to do this and go see a dentist for two years now. I'm at my wit's end! What more can I do? How can I get him to listen?

My fiance has dental hygiene issues and I need help? are in a mess...he sounds like he has more issues than his teeth....there must be a hidden reason why he is not taking care of his health. You also are at risk, can you imagine the germs he is carrying around and they can be passed on to you. In my opinion, call your city health dept. and see what services they would suggest. We have a dental school at our junior college and they have students who work under supervision on the patients. I believe the prices are very reasonable. If that is what is keeping him from going the money. His dental health affects not just his mouth but his whole body. Just think if you were married to him? If he is not taking care of himself now..what do you think he will do then. I'd give a lot of thought before I said...I someone who says...I won't!
Reply:What more can you do. He likes having a filthy mouth. Expecting someone to change to your desires isnt right. Even though what he is doing isnt right to himself. Dont marry on the assumption it will change.

Unless you make him? That shows a lot of respect for you.
Reply:whoa shitt. thats nasty. are his teeth yellow and stuff? there is this procedure where they glue fake teeth OVER ur real teeth, u should have him do that. it costs thousands tho. uhhh. find clever ways to get mouthwash into him. fill up his coffee halfway full of mouthwash and his favorite coffee haha. put mints in his pancakes. uhmm...

i dunno. tell him u wont put out unless he goes to the dentist, THAT WILL WORK.
Reply:start cutting out coupons for denture adhesive because he will wind up with no teeth at all if he keeps up with his bad mouth/teeth hygeine. he will wind up with dentures or toothless.
Reply:I think I'd put the wedding on hold. HIs health is more important. I can't imagine how you've stuck it out with him for this long. Was he like this when you first met him?? I'm not sure I'd put up with him as the thought of kissing him makes me want to puke. I'd urge him to take care of those problems or the wedding is off.

By the way, dental hygiene is a much more serious problem than people think... a tooth infection can get so out of control it can spread to the brain and kill you. Perhaps you should mention this to your fiancee.
Reply:Just tell him to go and get them all pulled out. and be done with it.
Reply:His name isn't Chris, is it? Sounds like a bad habit my ex husband has. Either way, I agree with the first answer. If he isn't properly taking care of himself, what makes you think he will take proper care of you or any children you may have?
Reply:you should just tell him that youre really concerned he might have a gum disease and that he needs to get it checked out. because you love and care about him so much, you dont want to see him suffer later in life
Reply:Sorry pretty! That is a difficuly situation. I once had bad breath and I sought help immediately. I am now really fresh! Dental careis expensive and maybe he is worried about costs. Also, you wanna kiss clean mouth ai? oh ! Well, I would ask you to put a final serious request to him to take care of his teeth. Id he doesn't , we'll you have to decide you can live with bad breath till you die. I wish u well in that... God Bless U
Reply:Yuck, if he doesn't brush his teeth today, tomorrow he might stop taking a bath or shower. Oooh. Don't marry someone like that, or until he gets his act cleaned up.
Reply:I always bought my bad breathed guy gum and brushed my teeth and kissed him with a clean mouth and "said now wasn't that nice? Fresh breath is Hot!" lol. I'm not with him anymore-But I have been known to with hold kisses for almost a week on end if he was refusing to brush. Bad breath annoys me. I get mean and told him his breath stank and I wasn't going to kiss him. After the nice gesture didn't work.
Reply:Any problem so deeply entrenched will only get worse and lead to others later. While you still have a life and a will, get away from him as hard as it may be (I do know form experience!) and give life a chance to lead you to someone you deserve. I've watched too many others self destruct, because they won't help themselves. Worse, I've seen them take too many others with them!!!
Reply:Well, that's a big question with many answers. If you can't get him to do anything about it at all, I would dump him because someone who has bad tooth decay can pass on Streptococcal bacteria to their partners. Which could kill you, or make you wished you were dead. And people with Streptecoccal in their gums and teeth usually don't get sick right away because of the plaque barriers and acid in their stomach, but when they kiss someone who brushes their teeth (which opens and cuts the gums and tongue) or performs oral sex on them, it is like a train ride from their mouth of rotting food to your blood stream where it will breed like Mexicans before you know it.

It's also disgusting!
Reply:well i do understand u ,,,how u can be with some 1 so long ,,, u know if he would find out there nothing he can do about it ,,,, but he doesn't care if he smalls or not ,,, i know money is problem ,,, but wont be a bigger problem when u give up on him ???im sure is not easy talk about things like that but u have 2 ,,,, and maybe is something else what is not expensive and he can treat it ,,,well sit and talk be very gentle but tell him u really need do something cause u cant live with his breath
Reply:Whoaaaa...sounds disgusting!dont marry him
Reply:if he's like this now how cud he be in the next coming years??? If he doesn't listen to you then how much more wen ur sucks...

it is necessary that he fix this right away or else u wudn't enjoy ur married life since u'll be spending alot of time conversing with him n worse for the rest of ur lives!!!!!!
Reply:He is suffering from bacterial disease goes for proper treatment.

And About yaa wedding why he changing date to date he is not interested or what or feeling insecure just bcoz of its health. If you love him truely that is your own responsiblity to concern him for wedding bcoz only fancy convey his lover better than other
Reply:Drop him like a cheap glove! If he did not bother doing anything about it in the past why would you think he will change in the future? Ohh my God, what a turn off!!! I guess you have not kissed him in years:)

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