Monday, May 17, 2010

Could a cavity be forming if I'm getting a rotten smell from between 1 or 2 pairs of my back teeth?

I got back on the flossing tip about a year ago when I got my teeth bleached and as my dental coverage ceased. Since then, I've been good at it and actually fixed my gingivitis.

I still have my molars for the record though, and I get this foul smell from between from my top wisdoms and tooth in front of them on each side of my mouth. Smell like a cavity and I can only floss "so well". Should I just get them pulled out, as I don't have any discomfort from them since they grew out nearly perfect. Thanks!

Could a cavity be forming if I'm getting a rotten smell from between 1 or 2 pairs of my back teeth?
The reason that you should have your wisdom teeth taken out is because most people do not have a large enough jaw to support them so when they do come in they will cause your teeth to shift and move. The other reason is they are so far back that it is hard to clean them properly so it is easier for them to get infected. Your wisdom teeth have come in just fine but as you said you can't floss between them very well so they can cause a cavity to form on your wisdom tooth and the tooth in front of it. It is best to have them taken out. Go see an oral surgeon to have them taken out. They can put you to sleep to have them extracted so you will not know what is going on. It will be over before you know it. Good Luck.
Reply:From the work experience I have had for 20 years dentistry and oral surgery you should have your wisdom teeth pulled. There isn't enough room for a tooth brush to fit properly.

Even if they came in straight and you have enough room it is a breeding ground for bacteria.
Reply:This is so not a question for Yahoo! Answers. Because your problem is so specific you really should be asking your dentist.
Reply:could be I would get it checked out

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