Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it okay to put a dental deep cleaning off a few months? How serious is perio???

I went to the dentist last week because of some pain in the mouth (my wisdom teeth are coming in) and they have me scheduled for extraction on Friday.

They also said that I need a deep cleaning because I have perio (HOW SERIOUS IS THIS? DETAILS? ANY INFO ON PERIO WILL BE HELPFUL!!!)

After having my wisdom teeth extracted I won't have any more insurance coverage until January, so I can't afford the deep cleaning until then. Is it okay to wait until then? What preventive measures should I take in the mean time?

Any information, experience, or web sites will be helpful.

I will choose the best answer tomorrow morning before noon EST. The most informative, helpful answer will be chosen.

Thank you!

Is it okay to put a dental deep cleaning off a few months? How serious is perio???
A few months? This might depend on how bad your perio problem. If left untreated you can loose your teeth. This usually happens after a long time of neglected dental health. The best way is to ask your dentsit or hygienst if you can wait. Usually you can wait just a little while. If its costs you are afraid of there are some dental credit cards you can check out just to be on the safe side as long as your DDS accepts this form of payment: .

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