Friday, May 21, 2010

Dental Insurance Question (Law Related)?

I had to go to a specialist to get my wisdom teeth removed. We had consultation and the amount I need to pay up front, after insurance coverage, was disclosed. After the surgery, months later, they mail me a invoice stating I have another payment due because my insurance has reached it's maximum. I called and ask why am I being billed. They defended by saying there must have been claims on the insurances in my part that drew money from the account so the insurance couldn't cover the proper amount that was disclosed. I looked into my insurance and it showed that were no activities within a week before during or after the consultation. So I called again and explained that the error was in there part but they kept arguing that the estimate is just a estimate, they could never be exactly, and that there is nothing they could do. Yet the quote was off by 13% of the total cost. Any knowledge on this subject would be appreciated.


Dental Insurance Question (Law Related)?
As you indicated, it was a estimate/quote. Unless you have something in writing indicating you only have to pay a certain amount, then there is nothing you can do, but to pay it.
Reply:I wish my experience is helpful for you.Here is the good resource.

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