Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why can't the government make people on social assistance work?

It really peeves me off that the government complains it has no money to fix roads etc,yet we have thousands of people too lay to get their behinds to get a job. Why can't the governemnt make them work in order to receive a cheque every month. I don't care if they walk the streets picking up garbage or mowing lawns. Make them work like the rest of us do. This way the government has more money to put where it is needed. It is bad enough they get full medical and dental coverage. People who own a small business have to pay for all their own medical and dental.

Do you agree or disagree??????

Why can't the government make people on social assistance work?
Perhaps a refounding of CC camps may be what we need to put us back on track. We could rebuild lost infrastructure, improve existing infrastructure, build a new workforce with experience, and pride in the fact that they have helped to make the nation of tomorrow. It would be an excellent foot in the door for government job seekers, would make the money spent mean even more. It would help the poor stop being poor, and satisfy the conservative idealogy of giving a hand up to those in need. Indeed we need to review FDR's New Deal, and see what is still usable toward solving our problems, today.

On the topic of people with disabilities, they can be given office and admin jobs, where they telecommute from their places of living, if need be.

The homeless would be given a roof and a meal, with medical coverage.

I honestly don't see how both parties can't agree on a subject like this.
Reply:True, but the government will either do all or none. Some people who are working and just need help can't get help, very often. It's a sad situation
Reply:The federal government cut back on the money it gives to the states to take care of the roads so that they can use that money for tax cuts for the very rich and some of it goes to pay for the Iraqi occupation.
Reply:some of the people can't work due to disabilities, but hell why should we be burdened with these people after all didn't hitler have the right idea lets just confine these people and eliminate them.
Reply:If the people were working, why would they need government assistance? I worked for minimum wage and lived in a fairly expensive city (Dallas, TX). Although I was not in the nicest neighborhood (i was in the ghetto actually) it was possible. There has got to be something that can be done to stem the ever increasing cost of living in this country. We are the richest, but the division between the rich and poor is disgusting. Why don't we cap salaries for athletes, CEO's and all the other people that feel they are "worth" millions a year. When we finally pull our collective heads out of our as**s, we will realize that things have gotten out of hand.
Reply:They do work. They raise the children who are our future, and teach them well to do the same. It is a never ending cycle.
Reply:I agree except for the fact that, in Minnesota, to qualify for welfare you must prove each month or quarter or whatever that you have tried to go get a job, and they will actually schedule you an appointment with a career counselor. You don't show up you don't get a check.
Reply:Before you "decide" what everyone on welfare "is", why don't you step down from your soap box and take a real look at the situation, instead of spitting out uninformed opinions based on television or other media.

No "accurate reporting" could ever give you the full picture, okay?

You assume that people who collect welfare don't work.

You're wrong.

Many people who collect welfare "return the favour" by volunteering at clubs and other associations. If they aren't "working like the rest of us..." it is entirely possible that they are simply unable to find a job which actually pays enough to live on. Maybe if many of these people who own small businesses actually paid their employees enough money to live on, the problems of "welfare bums" wouldn't be the injustice you instantly assume it is.

Some people who receive welfare have disabilities and cannot work. Some people collect welfare to help cover the costs of going to school so that they can later on become productive members of society. Yes, it does happen.

As for Robert S., many people with disabilities (including myself) are productive members of society, although often we cannot be as productive as those without disabilities. We "make up" for it by volunteering so please refrain from passing off your ignorant bigoted opinions as logical, reasonable or even true!
Reply:social assistance cant work, because the low amount of funds alloted to serve the poor, takes so long to pass thru legislation, that by the time it does, inflation is so high and the cost of living is so high, that poor people cannot get ahead or benefit from the lesser funds available.. and then it costs three times more the following year to maintain the same program. The concept is a good one, but few to no states have programs that actually serve the poor well, In Illinois their definition of POOR is guidelines from 1965 for food stamps.. You can be working poor at $30,000 a year if you have a big enough family and still cant make ends meet. Its all relevant that the middle class cannot get ahead and sadly is floundering in financial debt and low wages that theyre all going to end up poor.

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