Saturday, May 15, 2010

Where do I find GREAT health insurance?

COST DOES NOT MATTER. I already pay nearly $700/mo. for my current health insurance. I don't mind paying for great coverage. (I am in Arkansas, and yes, that usually matters.)

Here's what I'm looking for:

$500 Deductible

Coverage ANYWHERE I go, but having a "preferred network" is fine, so long as I still get coverage elsewhere.

Rx that is NO MORE than $30 for brand name drugs.

Full Dental Coverage

Vision - if possible

Yearly Out of Pocket - $2500 or less.


I currently have coverage that FAR exceeds what I've listed above, but it runs out at the end of the year. I am Diabetic (type 1), and use an insulin pump.

I've not found anything even close to what I currently have. So, I've set much lower standards, as are laid out above. Where can I find such insurance? Again, cost does NOT matter.

Where do I find GREAT health insurance?
Dear Cyanne,

Blue and Blue of Mich. [Plan A or C.]

Plan A Has NO deductible it's there 100% coverage

Plan C is there 20/80 copay. You are responsible for 20% of the first 5,000.oo

No "compant doctors and it's good ANYPLACE on the planet, if you are traveling a lot.


Reply:Through an employer. No one is going to take on a Type 1 Diabetic on a private policy.

Dental is a seperate policy from that, and so is vision. So you're really looking at THREE policies - one health, one dental, one vision.

I've NEVER seen a private dental policy that pays out more than it takes in, if you run the numbers. It's just not worth it. And I've never seen a private vision policy, period, because only people with glasses or contacts would ever buy it.

So clearly, your coverage right now, if it includes dental and vision, is through your employer. You're not going to find a better plan, unless you switch employers.

The place to verify that, is your local insurance agent. If he doesn't sell health, ask him for a referral to someone who does.
Reply:Blue Cross or Aetna are great companies.
Reply:A private policy (non-employer group) would probably exclude pre-existing conditions. At least the ones in my state, not sure about Arkansas. An easy to use website that allows you to plug in your criteria is

Good luck. I think it really comes down to whether your preferred medical professionals participate in a particular plan or not.

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